Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mission Fund

On Saturday I was at the zoo, doing a something with some people, walking around with 2 friends, and I got a text from my husband.  It said, "Women can now go on missions when they're 19.  And men when they're 18."  I instantly smiled and almost shouted, "Awesome!"  Which, of course, made my 2 friends ask me what was so awesome.

And here's where I found myself stuck.  These 2 friends are not Mormon.  What do I tell them?

So I explained a little about missions and how young men typically go at 19 and young women have to wait until they're 21.  Now that the rules have changed, more young women will be able to go.  This is a great thing for everyone.

But this isn't all that needs explaining.  The next part that I always tell people is about my Hyper Traditionalist church.  I like being Mormon, no doubt.  I believe it heart and soul.  But we stay pretty far behind the times, you know?  I mean, more equality for women?  The nation caught that vision a while ago.  Hurray for Mormons for finally figuring it out!

I mean, I'm pretty straight-laced.  I don't do all that stuff on the Don't List and I usually do all the stuff on the Do List.  But I'm not a Do What You're Told type.  My life may look traditional, but I don't feel traditional.  I ask a lot of questions.  I'm not afraid to be bold.  So sometimes the traditional-for-the-sake-of-being-traditional stuff really irks me.  I feel like my church lags behind the modern age because ...  because ...  because ...  huh.

And that's what kind of missionary I am.  "My church just made a great call that's drasticly behind the times!  ...  I really like being Mormon, I promise."

On a related note, my Kids' Mission Fund suddenly needs an extra $10,000.  Miciah heard the news and instantly said, "Great!  I'm going."