Monday, June 1, 2009

Random Complaints

A list of complaints that no one cares about:

Complaint #1
The NES Adventures of Link (the sequel to Legend of Zelda) is WAY too hard. And who thought of the set up? I die 3 times and then have to start again from the castle that houses a sleeping Zelda? Lameness. I want to burn the game, or kill the creators. Either one (or both).

Complaint #2
Let's talk Pokemon Advanced Battle. I don't have a problem with the show. I mean, I think it's stupid with the "action-packed" battles where really they don't animate anything, they just let the announcer and the spectators give the exciting details, like, "And Bubble-wart charges towards Ginger Snap so fast that it's nearly impossible to animate, but trust me, it's exciting!", but whatever.

My main problem with the show is the theme song. It's jazzy and spunky and kids love it. It makes you want to go beat bad guys! All that is not the problem. The problem is the words:

"Oh oh oh I'm unbeatable
They can never win
But they sure can try
Oh oh oh I'm unbeatable
Pokemon (advanced battle)
Oh oh oh I'm undefeatable"

Have you ever watched the show? Do you know how often Ash (the main character) loses battles? All the time. So I figure the words should be something like this:

"Oh oh oh I wish I was unbeatable
They can win half the time
But I still have my pride!
Oh oh oh I win every other match
Pokemon (advanced battle)
Oh oh oh I wish I was unbeatable"

And that would be more accurate.

That's all my complaints for the moment. They were festering inside me for weeks, so thank you for letting me lay them out for you. I feel better.

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