Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Stomach Bug

For fun, I started the day off bright and early by puking. You know what they say about the early bird catching a stomach bug. Anyways, I promptly went back to bed until 11 a.m. ... My boys are used to me sleeping in a little, but 11:00 is really late, even for me.

In the meantime Rob had also puked. Before he left for work I had started coming out the other end (which meant promising things to come for Rob also--and all his sessions happened in a public restroom. Yea for him!), and as I did so, I was reminded about Teancom's stomach bug last week. He threw up early in the morning, and then had intense diarrhea for about 6 hours. Other than refusing to eat, the bug seemed not to slow him down at all, and by early afternoon he was back to his normal self.

In contrast, I spent most of the day sleeping or "expelling", and occasionally accomplishing both tasks at once.

Later in the day a thunderstorm came through. It was fun to listen to the thunder, cause it sounded like how my stomach had earlier. All rumbly and angry and turbulent. ... It was also amazing to look at the house at the end of the day and see it exactly as it was this morning, complete with smashed Ritz on the kitchen floor, dirty dishes growing mold (or something), and clothes sitting in the washing machine waiting to be moved to the dryer.

I have finally eaten something besides saltines and Sprite. Pizza that I nearly burnt because I wasn't paying attention (how can you think about food when your stomach says eating is a BAD idea (and, interestingly, also says that saltines are the tastiest food you've ever eaten)). I'm hopeful that tomorrow will be toilet-event-free.

In the meantime, it makes me feel old that my 3-year-old son waltzed through this sickness while I acted like I was dying.

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