Sunday, October 4, 2009

Stolen Quote #8

From Stake Conference, about a month ago. A man gave a very funny talk, perhaps the funniest over-the-pulpit talk I've ever heard. It started with, "I remember the first time I gave a talk in church. It was 20 days ago." He went on to say that he'd asked the bishopric member, we'll call him Brother Brown, for some advice on giving a talk and Brother Brown freely gave it. He then asked, "When's the last time you gave a talk?" Brother Brown responded, "When I was 8 years old." The man, during his talk, then turned to the Stake Presidency seated behind him, "You know who Brother Brown is? 2nd Counselor in the Fairfield ward?" He paused as we laughed. Then he said, "That's payback."

But that wasn't the best part. The best part was the following quote. He said, of the temple:

"You know you want to go there! It's like Chuck E Cheese for Mormons!"

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