Friday, February 26, 2010

Tank Sums up High School Musical 2

My kids get 2 library movie check-outs a week.  I am very strict about allowing only 2 movies per kid, and I'm religious about getting the movies back on time because they're each $2 a day if they're late.  2 movies times 3 kids, times $2?  That's $12 a day!

But what I'm not strict about is what movies they can check out.  They have full control over that choice.  I, however, have full control over if they can watch it upstairs or downstairs.  For instance, Yo Gabba Gabba is a downstairs movie and Power Rangers, for the first 3 views, is allowed to be an upstairs movie.  Tinkerbell can be watched upstairs as many times as desired, but Tellytubbies is only acceptable downstairs.

Right now Tank is laying on the living room floor, watching Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.  (How many variations of Power Rangers can there be?)  It's apparently affiliated with Disney, because all the previews were for Disney movies and shows.  And Tank insists on watching the previews.

One of the previews was for High School Musical 2.  I walked into the room at the end of the preview and Tank was laying down, knees up, 2 fingers in his mouth, the other hand on his ear.  Like normal.  I asked him if he liked the preview and he said, "Yeah.  They said 'summer' a lot.  And then they danced."  I thought that was a pretty accurate sum-up of the whole movie, actually.

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