Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thoughts While Painting

Been Homeprojecting lately.  It's been fun and tiring and all that.  Plus, Rob is hardly ever home, so I have to do all the normal domestic stuff, plus mow the lawn, etc.  Super fun!

Lately I've been painting a lot.  Most recent paint project:  the front door frame.  Not the front door yet.  Just the frame.  And I know you don't care, but I wanted to put down some of my random thoughts while painting.  Later, I might write about my random thoughts while mowing the lawn.  Yes, those are different.  Interesting?  Probably not.  But different.

Random Thoughts While Painting the Front Door Frame:

- "We got a bill of sale right here that says he belongs to us."
"Elliot, no!"
"You don't need him.  You don't love him.  Watch out, or I'll tear you apart."  ...  "We'd like to see you try it."
"I'll be your candle on the water."

- Passover.  Though I was painting with the wrong color.  "Destroying Angel, please pass over this house..."

- "I'm standing in front of a door, holding an open can of paint, and standing on a chair.  This is the start of a bad joke."

- "I hate that light fixture.  Oh, that's right, we're replacing it.  Good."

- "Why does this take SO LONG?!"

I am now going to go eat some vanilla/cardamom bread and think about what a pointless post this was.

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