Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Taylor Swift

I tried to hate her.  She's just another teenie bopper, I said to myself.  But she's got talent, I finally admitted.  And she's got some great songs!

I broke down and bought 2 of her singles:  You Belong with Me and Love Story.  On top of that, I fell in love with Jon Schmidt's Love Story Meets Love Story, which is (clearly) based on Taylor Swift's original song.

Sadly, Taylor Swift isn't album cover to album cover genius.  That might be an impossible standard, though, so I didn't hold it against her when I wasn't impressed with either one of her two then-available albums, as a whole.

I just read in last week's Time that Taylor Swift's new album is out.  It's called Speak Now and this is what Time had to say about it:

If the single "Mine" is any indication, Speak Now will be more of the same lovesick rockers and ballads as 2008's Fearless.  It may well not matter, though:  Swift has cornered the market on teenage romance.

So I shouldn't have been shocked, then, when I watched the video for "Mine" and thought, "Seriously?  You thought we wouldn't notice that this is the SAME SONG you released 2 years ago?  Only it's NOT AS GOOD?"  And, sadly, it doesn't have a tune.

I showed it to my 8-year-old daughter who loves the 2 Taylor Swift singles we own, and loves the music videos for them even more.  She said, "I like it, but not as much."  Yeah, cause you've heard it all before?

Taylor Swift, this song is a disappointment.

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