I feel like I should be posting something on here, since I haven't in about a month.
I was going to sleep a few weeks back and I thought of something wonderfully clever. I worked it all into a fantastic Random Tamra blog post. I was giggling about it as I went to sleep. I debated if I should write it down before I forgot it, but there was no way that I wouldn't remember in the morning. It was THAT clever.
I woke up and my first order of business was to write that blog post. I searched my brain for the space reserved for it, and there was nothing there. Nothing at all. I started going through topics. Was it about politics? Religion? My garden? My kids? I ruled out garden and kids, but the fact remained that I still had NO IDEA what it was about.
And there went my chance to be clever.
Trust me, though. You would have loved it.