Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reader Count at 0

I don't know why, but it makes me really happy when my Google Reader count is down to 0.  I feel like I've accomplished something.  (I never really stop to think that what I've "accomplished" is reading blogs and checking out the funny videos and interesting articles that my friends post.)

But then I don't have anything else in Reader and I start feeling kind of ... empty.  And I start checking Reader, and then back to my e-mail, then to my other e-mail, then back to Reader, like something is going to magically be there 30 seconds later.  And finally, after a few rounds of fruitless checking, I turn the computer off, cause obviously that's just wasting time.

I think I'm going to have to keep my Reader count at 1 or 2.  Just so I feel like something's there.

Is this what addicts feel like?

(And now that I posted this, my Reader count will be at 1!  Yes, I follow my own blogs.)

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