Wednesday, March 30, 2011


March is almost over and I've only got 2 Random Tamra blog posts for the month.  What's with that?

This blog is sort of like my on-demand blog boyfriend.  He doesn't ask for much, and he never calls me, but he's always there if I need him.  Like, when I don't want to be with my normal blog.  Cause just one blog is too limiting.  A person should be free to ...

That analogy was pretty much dead before it started.  Have I mentioned before that I'm really, really bad at analogies?  It's true.  (As you can tell.)

I think what really happened this month is that something has been on my mind BIG TIME, but I can't really talk about it.  Which leaves me with what option?  I can write about things I don't want to talk about, or I can choose to not write at all.  So I guess I won't write at all.

Hopefully that thing that's on my mind will resolve itself soon and then I can write all about it.  Not that it's terribly interesting, but it's something.

Until then, much love everyone.

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