Friday, April 1, 2011

Sam's Club

Today our Sam's Club membership has expired.  We've had a membership for nearly the whole time we've lived in Cincinnati, and it's been good for us.  But we haven't been using it as much lately, so we thought we'd see what it's like to be without a Massive Warehouse Store membership.

I only bring this up because apparently it's been on my mind:  I dreamed about Sam's Club last night.  In my dream, my friend wanted to go with me, and it was March 31st, the last valid day of my membership.  My friend wanted to see if it would be worth her time to get a Sam's Club membership.

We walked around the store and (the store was insane, but that's beside the point, and) she kept nitpicking at all the stuff that was there.  "This isn't worth purchasing." and "It's a better deal at Costco."  On top of that, she kept getting lost in the store, or intentionally ditching me, and I was getting kinda frustrated about it.  This person in real life is not a flake, so dealing with the flaky dream version of her was frustrating.  (We would not be friends if she was like that in real life.)

Then I put myself on the line by saying that I really liked Sam's Club's canned chicken.  I found it nice to have in our food storage for those times when I wanted to make a quick meal.  She was all snotty about that, too!  "You can't take another half an hour and cook a chicken breast?"  I tried to explain that sometimes it was nice to make a meal in 10 minutes.  She was unimpressed.  Then I brought up the benefits of having canned meat as part of a long-term food storage plan, and she half-heartedly accepted that reason for having canned chicken.

She got lost again, and the next time I found her, her cart was full of stuff to buy and she'd decided to get a Sam's Club membership.  What got me, though, was that her cart was full of stuff like Easy Mac.  That's the macaroni-and-cheese that comes in individual servings and that you make in the microwave.  I was thinking, "Alright, that's gotta be about a bajillion times worse than canned chicken!"

And that was my Sam's Club dream. 

(And since I know you read this blog, here's a shout out to Tricia.  Thank you for not being a flake in real life.)

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