Thursday, April 14, 2011


Purchases I've Made that Make Me Snotty

 Barefoot running shoes.  LOVE these shoes.  I love them so much that I am confident that my shoes are better than your shoes, hence I recommend my shoes to anyone who will listen.  I wear them everywhere.  I'm addicted to them and can't go back.  In fact, my previously beloved Asics are now the shoes I wear to mow the lawn.  And when I put them on to mow the lawn I think things like, "Why are these so bulky?"  "Why are my feet getting hot?" etc.

This low-flow shower head from Evolve.  We've had it now for about 2 years, and it's one of our best purchases.  When I go to visit family and use their shower, I think, "This is WAY too much water!  I might drown in here!"  Suddenly normal showers feel wasteful.  I want to buy this shower head for family, but at $40 a pop, I can't afford several for everyone!  We only have 1 shower.  That was a manageable purchase.

Our Tempurpedic bed.  I can go to sleep and expect my bed to unwind my back while I sleep.  You can't put a price tag on that.  When I go see family and we sleep on an air mattress or their guest beds, I count the nights until I'm home in my own bed.


Pretty much every single garden purchase we've made:  rose bushes, lilac bushes, amaryllis, forsythia bush, trumpet vine, clematis, etc., etc.  The snotty part comes when I find out that other people with the appropriate space choose not to garden.  "Seriously?  I can't talk to you."

The End


  1. Response to #4, good thing this wasn't my rule, or we would have never become friends...

  2. Not true. We've always gardened. Just not always vegetables.

  3. Crap. I'm still reading your blog. Somebody stop me. K. I'm not allowed to read any more after this post. I promise I'm not stalking you. I just seem to have something to say about all your posts. Those shoes are adorable. Are those the ones you actually have? What are they called?

  4. Well, I didn't actually take that picture, but yeah, those are the shoes I'm still wearing. In the summer I have barefoot sandals (basically a piece of rubber sole and strings to hold it on), the worn-out beloved flip-flops, and these. ... The shoes definitely look a little different, but I get a lot of compliments on them. Now they're dirty, but that just makes them better, right? :)

    They're called Feelmax Osmas. You can find them here:
