Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I've been a little jittery and on edge lately because I'm not happy with the Lord's timing.  It's not even over something big, but it's making me ... impatient.  Come on, already!

I saw a member of the Stake Presidency in the hall at church (he's a member of our ward).  I said, "Jim.  I'm not appreciating the Lord's timing."  "About what?"  "I'm just...  We're fighting, the Lord and I.  I'm not happy at all."  He smiled at me.  "Well," he said, "You should get over it."  "That's not helpful," I responded.

I went to another ward's sacrament meeting after I attended my own, and the talks were on patience.  A woman talked about patience and having respect for the Lord's timing.  She moved here in the Fall after she lived away from her husband for 9 months.  He moved to the area and she stayed with the house, praying for it to sell.  As we all know, selling isn't a quick process these days.

She was talking about the lessons she learned, and it hit me.  I needed to get over it.  (I know, Jim already told me that.)  What I was grumbling about is a small, small thing.  People struggle with cancer for years, praying for patience along the way.  People live apart from their spouse for long periods of time, praying for strength.  What was I whining about?  My life is good.  Rob and I are happy.  We're all healthy.  Seriously, Tamra.  Just get over it.

I've been calmer since.  And I've even thought about praying without bitterness in my voice.  It's a good start.

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