Monday, June 20, 2011

Sign Language

I've been greatly enjoying my time with ASL.  Class is fun.  Signing is fun.  Trying to interpret is fun, even though I suck.  Making new friends is fun.

Class was interesting.  In no particular order, here are My Top 5 Favorite Things About Class:

1.  Finding out that being made fun of on a weekly basis for 5 weeks straight can make me insecure.  I thought I was beyond that.

2.  Watching the class size dwindle.  17 people signed up.  13 people showed up on the first day of class.  8 people were still with us by week 6.  And 5 people showed up for the Final.  Awesome.

3.  The week we had to practice fingerspelling.  We paired up.  We wrote down 10 city names.  Then we practiced fingerspelling those citiy names with our partner.  The girl I was partnered with had never heard of Topeka.  She also misspelled Atlanta (she left out the first 't') and included Florida on her city list.  Nice.

4.  Being required to get in practice hours outside of class.  It's like play time!  Required, "I have to go, Rob, cause I need hours," play time!

5.  People noticing that I'm pretty good at sign.  It's funny.  I hate being acknowledged, in general.  Awards and special attention are nasty, embarrassing things.  But I like it that people think I'm good and that they notice, and that they sometimes tell me.  (Historically, I've disliked being acknowledged in things academic.  What a joke.  However, being honored for soccer?  That's different.  ASL is like soccer, then, instead of like academia.)

1 comment:

  1. In defense of 3, I've learned that there IS a Florida City in Florida. I'm pretty sure, however, that is not what she had in mind.
