Monday, January 30, 2012

Star Wars Interpreting

For my Interpreting for the Deaf class, the Final Project was to find a picture, any picture, and build an interpreting situation around it.  Immediately I knew it had to be Star Wars!  So, just for fun, here's the picture and interpreting assignment that I made up for it, including potential problems (demands) and solutions (controls).

Darth Vader, the hearing consumer, is talking to Princess Leia, the Deaf consumer.  Army guy is the interpreter.  Darth Vader is describing to Leia the reasons for her arrest, the seizure of her spaceship, and her lack of rights as a prisoner.  He is also going into some detail about the technical aspects of a new weapons system that he has helped create, the Death Star.  

Leia is defiant and uncooperative, but she keeps her cool.  Clearly she doesn’t like Vader, and tension is high.  

Army guy works for Vader as an interpreter, but he also ranks as an officer in Vader’s army.  Deep down he sympathizes with Leia and the Rebel Alliance, but he keeps that hidden because he knows that he will be killed if Vader ever found out.  Army guy is not quite up-to-speed on the technical lingo associated with the Death Star, though in all other ways he is prepared for the communication aspects of this assignment.  He is nervous about failing – Vader is not a kind boss and has been known to kill interpreters who have stumbled along the way.

There are several things that the interpreter is doing right in this situation.  He’s smartly dressed in a solid contrasting color and very professional.  He’s standing in a position that allows Leia to see both him and Vader at the same time.

1.     There is quite a bit of tension between Leia and Vader, and lies are being told on both sides.  Army guy is aware of that, but has no control over it.  Vader has been known to react violently to interpreters, who merely convey the message.

2.      It’s impossible to read Vader’s expression through the mask, which makes it harder for Leia to communicate effectively with him.  The last interpreter who brought this up with Vader was killed on the spot.

3.      The technical lingo on the Death Star is difficult not only to convey to Deaf consumers, but also to learn.   Most of the information is top secret.  Vader often starts feeling braggy, and inserts it into his speeches, leaving interpreters in a sticky situation.

4.      Army guy knows that Leia is being held illegally as a prisoner.  He sympathizes with her plight but doesn’t feel like he can fight for her rights.

1.      Army guy can have a short conversation with Vader, pre-assignment, reminding Vader of the role of an interpreter. 
Pros:  If Vader is in a good mood, he will listen and hopefully be a little softer towards Army guy during the meeting, remembering that Army guy isn’t responsible for the words being communicated – Leia is.
Cons:  If Vader isn’t in a good mood, Army guy could be fired, demoted, or killed.  It will still go poorly for the next interpreter called in to replace Army guy.

2.      Army guy could ask for a few moments before the meeting starts to speak to Leia about Vader’s mask and how hard it is to convince Vader to take it off. 
Pros:  Leia may be a little less frustrated about not being able to read Vader’s expressions.  Also, Army guy won’t be killed for bringing it up with Vader.
Cons:  This doesn’t solve any problems in terms of making sure there is adequate communication and full comprehension for the Deaf consumer.  However, Army guy can feel better, knowing he’s tried to help ease tensions a little.

3.      Army guy could attempt to find some information about the Death Star, learning some of the technical lingo.  However, he’d be killed if he were caught, and most Deaf consumers wouldn’t understand the lingo, even if he learned it.  The best thing to do would be to have a short conversation with Vader, pre-assignment, explaining that most Deaf consumers will be unfamiliar with the technical aspects of his speech.  Cater to his ego, explaining that the Deaf consumers will be more impressed with Vader’s accomplishments if the interpreter is given more time to convey the ideas.  Also, Army guy could suggest a media presentation to assist with Deaf consumers’ understanding of the topic.
Pros:  If Vader is in a good mood, he will listen and give the interpreter more time to explain the technical details of the Death Star.  The spaceship is also equipped with some awesome technology, and if Vader chooses to utilize the media equipment that the ship offers, then Leia will have an easier time understanding the concepts, the interpreter won’t carry such a heavy burden to make sure communication is clear, and Vader will be able to brag all he wants.
Cons:  If Vader isn’t in a good mood, Army guy could be fired, demoted, or killed.  It will still go poorly for the next interpreter called in to replace Army guy.

4.      If what is happening to Leia is illegal, the law overrules the Code of Professional Conduct’s call for confidentiality, so Army guy could choose to report it, post-assignment.  However, since Vader is the enforcer of the law, it wouldn’t do any good, and Army guy knows it.  There’s nothing to be done, then, except for Army guy to steel himself pre-assignment. 
Pros:  Army guy will be emotionally prepared to keep himself professional and do the job he is assigned.
Cons:  Leia’s rights are still being trampled on, Vader is still a jerk, and Army guy knows it.  Perhaps Army guy should refuse assignments of this type in the future.

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