Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ronald Reagan

I have been thinking lately about Ronald Reagan. Because conservatives talk about him like he was a political deity, and liberals think he was a putz. I'm not sure which one is right (quite possibly neither--most people are somewhere in between a deity and a putz), but I know that when I hear conservatives talk about Reagan, I wanna puke. He couldn't have been ALL THAT, right? I mean, the man was cute. But was he a good president? Was he a good man? I don't know.

As if in response to my pondering, Reagan was a pal and showed up in my dream last night. And there he was, cute as ever. All smiles. And he was getting ready to give a speech about the accomplishments of his presidency. Roomful of giggling women who weren't really listening to anything he was saying. And he was working the room with his charm. I was on the edge of my seat, waiting for him to answer my questions in his meaningful speech.

But he never got to his speech. He oozed charm and wooed the women, but he never answered my questions.

I wasn't angry (can you be angry with an apparition of a man who has passed away?), but I did sigh in disappointment when I woke up. What better chance will I get than a personal dream visitation?

Oh well. I guess I'll just have to wikipedia him.

1 comment:

  1. The more I learn about Ronald Reagan the more I hate him.
